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My Story

Thank you for taking a moment to learn more about me.

I'm Lisa and I've been teaching Pilates, yoga and other classes, as well as one to one sessions, since the year 2000. Even before I started teaching I had a passion for health, fitness and wellbeing which stems from my younger years as a gymnast.

After having my second child I decided to become a fitness instructor and initially trained as an exercise to music instructor teaching conditioning classes, step and aerobics etc. Body Pump and Body Balance training followed and soon after these I qualified as a Pilates and Freestyle Fitness Yoga teacher, as well as a Personal Trainer.


I literally couldn't get enough, I loved teaching classes and helping one to one clients whether young, old, pregnant, injured or immobile. 


Over the years I have added to and updated my qualifications regularly and lately I have been focusing on deepening my knowledge more so in Pilates and Yoga. In 2019 I took a deeper dive into Yoga and I am now qualified as a 500hr Yoga Alliance teacher which includes Yin Yoga, Meditation and Yoga Nidra. I am a classically trained Pilates teacher from the Micheal King camp.

The awful pandemic steered me into making the decision to stop teaching community step and aerobics classes and my timetable is now made up predominantly of Yoga and Pilates including Entwine which is my own creation, blending the two. Yoga and Pilates combine so well and I love sharing the Entwine experience, helping clients to strengthen, stretch, breathe and relax.

In the last 14 years through my own experience and listening to others, I have educated myself about the Menopause from peri to post. I have helped many clients along their journeys and I always like listening to each persons experience because no two are ever the same.There is so much more information and support available today compared to 14 years ago which is amazing, yet we do need more research and communication, there are still so many people unaware of what it is all about. I went through my peri to post menopause all naturally which wasn't easy, but in March 2024 I decided that being post menopausal wasn't fun so I am now on HRT. This isn't just to help with symptoms, it's also to assist in preventing other age related disease too. I am grateful for what my menopause has taught me and I will continue to educate and empower myself and other women about the menopause whenever I can.

This website is new, published April 2024 and it is sister to my other live website (published 2001). The two will run alongside one another for some time to come, but I have decided to rebrand as I move into the next stage of my life and career. 

Life is a blessing, honour and nurture your mental and physical health everyday to ensure you are healthy and mobile into your senior years.


Cherish Life!

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Lisa Sylvester


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